GitHub Updater

By day, Andy Fragen performs surgery as an acute care surgeon in the Inland Empire. By night, Fragen is a prolific WordPress developer who has single-handedly developed at least 11 plugins that have thousands of downloads between them.

The skills you need to be a surgeon and a developer might seem to be worlds apart, but as you read Fragen’s personal blog, you start to see the overlap.

Surgery is all about solving a problem. A patient is bleeding, and the surgeon needs to find out why and stop it. Building a plugin is the same thing.

You’re receiving too much spam, so he built WordPress Zero Spam. You’re getting a lot of SEO code bloat, so be built Hide SEO Bloat. He sees a problem, finds the source and fixes it.

Andy Fragen is a Big Hair Band-level sponsor for this year’s WordCamp Riverside. If you see him at the event, make sure to thank him for supporting our community! You also might want to ask him about his latest project: integrating Raspberry Pi and Github Updater (or you can read his blog post about it).

To see all his plugins, visit his WordPress page

WordCamp Riverside 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!