Assassinate the Imposter: Eliminating Imposters Syndrome once and for all!

We’ve all been there. Maybe it was a live group setting or a Zoom call. Someone in the group drops a term, everyone else nods knowingly, your anxiety rises as you realize you’ve NEVER heard of this thing, that you SHOULD have heard of before! Everyone keeps nodding as the speaker rambles on about this term. You nod, too. You feel like a fraud, an imposter. You will hit Google at the next available moment, you vow. You do. You still can’t figure this out. Yikes!, you think, I suck.

Imposters Syndrome is real. A REAL DRAG. And it doesn’t have to be that way. You see, you probably weren’t the only one pretending. And the group wasn’t fortunate enough to have a Super Hero pipe up and say “I don’t know that term. Can you explain?”

In this Session, I’ll deconstruct Imposters Syndrome. I will give you a new mindset to try out, The Dunno Doctrine, so that you can be the Super Hero and this madness can stop!


WordCamp Riverside 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!