How to Rank Multi-location Local Businesses Using Content

Many people feel SEO is still Voodoo or complicated, especially when it comes to business owners that have multi-location businesses.

It’s actually much simpler than people think – especially if you know how to structure your website correctly and how to use content properly.

In this session, I’ll show you how my company ranked an article nationally for a competitive term and then used that power to rank 65 locations in 5 different states – without any exotic SEO strategies or tactics.

Website accessibility What it is & why it’s so important and the benefits for SEO

Glen will explain what web accessibility (WCAG 2.1) is and why it is so important we understand it and be compliant. People with disabilities ranging from blindness, deafness, dyslexia and others may navigate and consume content in different ways with assistive technology. Web accessibility is not just for developers, it is just as important for marketers to make it part of their digital marketing to ensure that opportunities for success aren’t missed. When 1 in 5 people have short or long term disability, creating accessible websites can increase your conversions by 20% by being accessible.

WordPress SEO 101: Key(word)s to Success

Everyone and their uncle or aunt knows Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important to the success of any WordPress project, but you’ve never had the time to fully understand how it can help. In this session, we’ll look at SEO tools, tips, and techniques that you can leverage to help your rankings.

During this presentation, learn how the accessibility and the structure of your HTML and WordPress tools can help you create written content that gets you seen by the spiders. We’ll take beginners through the basics of Google Search, what the algorithm is looking for, what landing in the top six spots mean, and how it impacts your WordPress site. As always, we’ll look at real-world examples using hands-on exercises to illustrate key concepts.

Improve Your WordPress SEO Performance With Google Search Console

In this session, I’ll take a dive into how WordPress users can utilize Google Search Console to improve and enhance their website’s performance and visibility in Google Search. I’ll cover everything from setting up and verifying an account, submitting a XML Sitemap, performing a content audit, submitting new pages, analyzing page speed, rich features and more.

Discover How You Can Leverage Yoast to Achieve Massive Results for Your Clients Even if You Don’t Have a Lick of SEO Knowledge

Here’s what you’re going to learn: – What can happen when Yoast is working for you or against you. – What Yoast is and how to best configure the settings. – What’s a SEO Title, Meta Description, Focus Keyphrase, and all the other backend jargon that’s important. – How to interpret the SEO Analysis and Readability results, and better yet – how to improve them.

Content Writing for Better Audience Engagement and SEO

How much more could you boost the visibility of your website if you optimized your writing style? Writing for the web isn’t as easy as it seems. Learn how to write for your audience in a way that naturally enhances SEO while still adding value to your reader.

This session will teach you to write website content that accomplishes three main goals every time.
1) Get found by the right audience using search intent.
2) Engage readers with easy-to-digest content that gives them added value.
3) Inspire an action.