No More Lawsuits: Legal and Social Defense through The Ohana Way

Here’s the really short version: “Whether they have a case or not, people don’t sue people they like. They have a case or not, people do sue people they dislike.”

For decades, Conway has watched this play out in his legal practice. He watched people get in many unnecessary, expensive legal battles. Ultimately, that lead him to coach businesses and professionals in the art of “how to not get sued.”

As we entered the Age of Referral and the sudden proliferation of review sites, those same skills become infinitely more important. Some review sites never take down bad reviews, even if a court has judged the content to be false and defamatory.

Of course, basically legal processes must be followed. The real protection is the way you connect with your clients and staff. The Ohana Way may be the most powerful set of tools to do this you will ever learn.


WordCamp Riverside, CA - November 4-5, 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!