Introduction to WP-CLI: Manage WordPress from the command line

The topic is about powerful tool WP-CLI than can help WordPress developers or power users a lot.

If you manage multiple WordPress websites or multiple environments of a WordPress website, you probably have experienced situations where you need to go through exact same steps on multiple websites. Clicking through wp-admin screens to change settings becomes time consuming. WP-CLI can be used to automate those tasks with ease.

During my presentation I’ll introduce the audience with the command line and WP-CLI, then I’ll go through some of the tasks that can be easily done using this tool. I’ll demonstrate some tasks running them on a sample WordPress website running in local development environment. Demonstrations will include tasks like pulling back the database to lower environments (qa/staging) and rewriting it, managing users, plugins, etc.


WordCamp Riverside, CA - November 4-5, 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!